It is important that all students are fully supported and guided through the process of planning their futures.
At St Andrew’s our programme of careers education is delivered through PSHE, special events, enrichment programmes, visits, trips and assemblies and also within individual departments and through form time.
All students will:
Develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their abilities and affinities
Gain a greater knowledge of the range of opportunities open to them
Take part in work related activities in and out of school
Understand the labour market and the requirements and expectations of employers
Learn to make decisions wisely about their future
Be prepared to manage change and be fully supported through key transition periods
Learn how to improve their own employability: how to find work, how to get work and how to progress their careers
A more detailed plan of our careers programme can be provided to pupils, parents, teachers and employers in a written form or by making an appointment to discuss it further with Mr Harwood via or 01903 820676.
Careers Guidance
All students receive:
An individual options interview with a member of SLT in year 9;
The option to have a further interview with their parents about their options with the same member of SLT in year 9;
An individual careers interview with Mr Harwood, an qualified independent careers advisor, during KS4.
Students from years 9 to 11 also have access to:
SpringPod which allows them to research careers, apply for virtual work experience and attend virtual university open days.
Work Experience
At St Andrew's we encourage students to gain as much work experience as possible. They undertake an ‘in person’ placement during our school’s Enrichment week in July in year 10. Students in Key Stage 4 also have access to an online platform called SpringPod where they can gain as much virtual work experience as they wish with big national and international companies.
Destination Data
Our latest official destination data published by the Department of Education is from 2021/22 showing 94% stayed in education or employment for at least 2 terms after leaving St Andrew's. West Sussex’s average was 95% and national average for that academic year is 94%.
Getting Involved with our Careers Programme
We welcome organisations and businesses to help us educate our students about careers. If you would like to get involved in any of the following please contact Mr Harwood via
Providing work experience placements;
Delivering assemblies about your company, organisation or sector;
Delivering workshops to small groups on your company, organisation or sector;
Having a stall at our annual careers fair.
Measuring and Assessing our careers programme
Each year group covers the Gatsby Benchmarks 1-5 each academic year within the school’s curriculum.
Benchmarks 6-8 are covered by all students by the end of year 11.
Each term the Gatsby Benchmarks are evaluated with the help of West Sussex through the programme Campass+. All benchmarks are met by at least 98% and are at least 22% above the national average.
The Baker Clause
The Baker Clause states that schools must provide education on Apprenticeships and training from year 8 to year 11 each year. This academic year, STA will meet this in every year group including year 7 through the following events:
Year 7 - Big Dreams STEM activity day with Talent Foundry,
Year 8 - Sea Cadets STEM activity and Big Dreams STEM activity day with Talent Foundry,
Year 9 - NHS Careers Workshop and Employability Skills Workshop,
Year 10 - Apprenticeships Evening, Learning Styles and Options workshop and Assembly by Plumpton College on Apprenticeships,
Year 11 - Assembly by ASK of Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships Evening, Workshop on Applying to Apprenticeships by ASK and Workshop on Apprenticeship Interviews by ASK.
For More Information
Careers and Enterprise at St Andrew’s is led by Mr Harwood (Academic Mentor). Mr Harwood can be contacted via or 01903 820676.
The information on this page is reviewed at least at the end of every academic year, and updated when appropriate. The next scheduled review is July 2025.
Local Colleges and Education Providers
If you would like to explore local provision for Further Education or Higher Education, please see the links below:
Worthing College – Sixth Form College -
GB Met College – FE College -
BHASVIC (based in Brighton) – Sixth Form College -
Chichester College – FE College -
University of Chichester –
University of Brighton –
University of Sussex –
Colleys College -
Plumpton College -
Vardean College -
Getmyfirstjob -
National Apprenticeship Service -
Careers sites
National Careers Service – comprehensive information re job roles + access to telephone advice
icould – video career stories, buzz test to identify aptitude based on Myers Biggs profiling and different ways to access materials on the site
Allabout series – careers/school leavers
National Apprenticeship Service
National database - information about apprenticeships and applications
Amazing Apprenticeships more accessible portal explaining apprenticeship
Notgoing to university – lots of live opportunities and vacancies for gap year or those wanting to explore alternatives to university
Whatuni – based on student feedback
Whichuni – collated by Which Guide
Pure Potential – comprehensive free down-loadable careers guide and access to events in London
Future Finder free resource matching A levels to job roles now and in future
Careermag - offers a complete guide to apprenticeships, courses and university opportunities along with useful articles offering education and career advice
Worthing Job Centre showing current job vacancies in Worthing area