What is My Child At School (MCAS)?
MCAS allows parents of students to monitor their child’s progress in school. MCAS is available to all parents that have legal parental responsibility.
How to reset a student password
All students have access to the Bromcom students app, this is through their school MS Office email address and password. Should they need to reset their password, they can submit a ticket by clicking here.
How to access MCAS
To receive access to Parent Portal, we require that you have your email address registered here at St Andrew's CofE High School. This is used to receive an email with your login details. You will have previously submitted your email to us through transition documents when your child began their transition to us.
Within the final half term of the academic year all Year 6 parents/carers (with parental responsibility) are sent an email containing their username and password for MCAS. Simply follow the instructions in the email to get logged in.

If you have any difficulties registering using the link in the email we have sent you, you can register using your web browser and follow the instructions below:
You will see a login pane like the one pictured here.
It is in this pop up that you need to click on redeem invitation code which will take you to the next window.

Enter the school ID (13404), Username and the invitation code we have given you. Click the I’m not a robot box and complete the verification pictures.
Then select the Redeem Code button.
You will then be required to create a password and enter your email address. Once completed, confirmation that you have successfully registered your account should appear.
Once registered you will either be taken directly into your son/daughter’s MCAS record or back to the login pane where you will need to enter the School ID, Username and the password you created – we recommend that you tick the box to remember your school ID and username.

If you forget your login details or password, please click the "Forgotten Login Details?" at the login page (or click here) and select "I need to reset my password". You will be asked to provide the school ID which is 11294 and your personal email address linked to the MCAS account.
If you need to submit a new or amended email address please get in contact with the school to make this change.
PLEASE NOTE - Due to GDPR email address changes cannot be made over the phone.
If you need any further help, please contact us.
Should you have any concerns about the information that is in our system please don’t hesitate to contact the school, or your child’s Head of Year or tutor.
Note: Adding your email address is for resetting forgotten passwords only. If ‘forgotten password’ is selected, the reset link will be sent to you by email - school cannot reset passwords.
Do not insert any spaces before entering the school ID or Username
The Username is not your email address it is the Username we have given you
If you have any difficulties registering, please do not hesitate to contact the school
MCAS viewed via a desktop PC or laptop is slightly different from the App so give this a try too
What can be seen on MCAS
1. Your Homepage - Here you can see an overview of your child's progress. Use the menu on the left to view individual details.
2. Attendance - Here you can view your child's attendance. This can be either be all subjects or show attendance for individual subjects by using the dropdown.
3. Behaviour - Here you can view your child's behaviour events both positive and negative.
NOTE - If you click on a day with an event logged, you will see more details.
4. Reports and assessment data - Here you will find your child's monitoring and full reports. These can be viewed online or can be downloaded as a PDF.
NOTE - these are not available for report pre-September 2022; reports and live assessment data will be visible from November 2022.
5. Timetable - Here you can view your child's timetable for the week. You can see future timetables by using the dropdown at the top.
6. Catering - Here you can view your child's balance and what they have purchased at break and/or lunch. You can add funds using the online wallet.
7. Trips and school purchases - Here you can pay for trips and any other item sold by the school.
Should you have further questions, please contact us via