St Andrew’s is known for its warmth and friendliness from both staff and students. As a small school, every single child is known, loved and nurtured as part of the St Andrew's family.
We firmly believe that every child has the right to feel safe and supported at school. We support our broad and balanced curriculum by ensuring there is a supportive and caring environment. Our approach to behaviour management is underpinned by principles of therapeutic and restorative approaches.
A team of dedicated, non-teaching Heads of Year look after our students' educational and personal welfare for the five years that they are with us. Each Head of Year is supported by a team of tutors who will interact daily with your child.
Year 7 Mr Cameron Miskin
Year 8 Mrs Kia Prentice
Year 9 Mrs Louise Rule
Year 10 Mrs Tracey Fuller
Year 11 Mr Matthew Carter
House System
Each student will join one of our Houses, designed to promote an increased sense of belonging and identity as well as providing opportunities for healthy competition. House events and competitions link to the students' engagement and learning, allowing every student to contribute towards building their House community every day.
Personal Development
In form time, assemblies and PSHCE, students are able to explore issues that are pertinent to them such as health, equal opportunities, e-safety, citizenship and careers while embodying our Christian values of respect, responsibility and integrity.