Welcome to the St Andrew's Governing Board.
The Governing Board of St Andrew's CE High School comprises 14 volunteers from a variety of different backgrounds with a range of expertise and experience and includes parents, school staff, the Church of England Diocese and Deanery, local authority and individuals co-opted specifically for their skills and knowledge. Parent and staff governors are elected, whereas other categories are either appointed or are eligible because of their role (Headteacher/Deanery/Local Authority).
The full Governing Board meets every half term and convenes panels of at least three governors for the specific functions of staffing, admissions, complaints and exclusions. Governors have specific responsibilities and visit the school on a regular basis to monitor their assigned areas such as teaching and learning, special educational needs provision, health and safety and finance. Governors often attend events such as open evenings or fundraising events.
Our governors are united in a steadfast commitment to school improvement and ensuring an inclusive environment underpinned by a rich curriculum, aspirational culture and strong sense of community and belonging. We are ambitious for our students, not only in what they can achieve in their learning, but also ensuring they are equipped to become active and responsible members of society and positive, well-rounded individuals.
What is best for our students is at the heart of everything we do.
Purpose and Role of the Governing Board
The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
The Governing Board has three core functions as set out in the Governance Handbook:
Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction.
Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.
In meeting these core functions, the Governing Board:
Works with the Headteacher to set clear and ambitious strategic priorities and targets for the school
Upholds and promotes the Christian ethos of the school in accordance with Diocesan guidelines
Has a duty to ensure that the school meets its statutory responsibilities and that the students attending the school are properly safeguarded
Ensures that all students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum
Strengthens school leadership through support and challenge
Ensures that performance management, including the performance management of the Headteacher, improves teaching, leadership and management
Monitors and evaluates the School Development Plan against the agreed priorities
Ensures that financial resources are managed effectively including pupil premium and sports premium funding
Engages with key stakeholders including students, staff, parents, local churches and the local community
Ensures that the required policies and procedures are in place and are operating effectively so that the school is able to meet its statutory duties
Is responsible for the appointment of staff through the agreed recruitment procedures and ensures that 'safer recruitment' guidelines are followed
Acts as the admissions authority
Deals with complaints, appeals and grievances

Please click here to see the information the governing body membership.
The Full Governing Board consists of:
2 parent governors
1 local authority governor
1 staff governor
1 headteacher
8 foundation governors - The Diocesan Board of Education appoints seven foundation governors. Six of these foundation governors are nominated by the Worthing Deanery Synod, of whom one shall represent the parish of Broadwater and one shall represent the parish of St. Andrew, Worthing.
The Rural Dean of the Worthing Deanery is an ex-officio foundation governor and, if he/she is unable or unwilling or unable to act as a foundation governor, the Archdeacon of Chichester will appoint a foundation governor to act in place of the rural dean.
1 co-opted governor
Terms of Reference
The following terms of reference have been agreed by the Full Governing Board.
The Governing Board will be composed of all governors appointed or elected in accordance with the current Instrument of Governance;
To be quorate, a meeting of the Full Governing Board shall consist of not less than one half of the current members of the Governing Board;
The Full Governing Board will meet as often as is necessary to fulfil its responsibilities and at least once each term;
The Clerk to the Governors will circulate an agenda for each meeting and papers at least 7 days before each meeting;
Attendance at each meeting, issues discussed and recommendations for decisions will be recorded;
The Governing Board may invite attendance at its meetings from members of the leadership team, employees of the school, or outside agencies, in order to assist or advise on a particular matter or range of issues;
The Governing Board may, from time to time, appoint Associate Members in order to access particular skills;
Only governors who are appointed or elected in accordance with the Instrument of Governance may vote at committee meetings. Staff Governors have voting rights in all areas other than those relating to pay, performance management and other staffing issues. Associate Members will not be eligible to vote. Where necessary, the elected Chair of Governors may have a second or casting vote;
Governors may not be involved in or vote on agenda items in which they have a personal interest and must declare any such interest in advance of any such discussions;
In the event of the need to make genuinely urgent decisions between meetings, the Chair of Governors, in consultation with the Headteacher, will take appropriate action on behalf of the Full Governing Board. The decisions taken and the reasons for urgency will be explained fully at the next meeting of the Full Governing Board under the item "Chairs Action".
Should you have any questions relating to the governing body, please email
Please click here for the Governors Code of Conduct.