Entitlement Curriculum
We believe that education is more than the sum of the exam results a young person receives in their final years at school. A broad and balanced education supports young people in growing their character, independence and the soft skills they need to navigate the world as rounded adults.
We therefore deliver our Entitlement Curriculum to all Key Stage 3 students, enabling them to develop holistically and feel ready to take of the challenges they will face both in their GCSEs and beyond.
It is named the 'Entitlement Curriculum' as we firmly believe that every child is entitled to this breadth of education; every young person is entitlement to develop as a whole person.
Our 3 year Entitlement Curriculum covers 6 key objectives:
Develop their character, morals and social skills through:
Building resilience
Community work
Building relationships
Listen and respond appropriately to those around them
Use spoken Standard English effectively
Appropriately and effectively express feelings, opinions and ideas with clarity
Ask questions that help clarify meaning and develop conversations
Taking action to support a wider social cause
Supporting projects that benefit others and the wider community
Taking initiative
Being resourceful
Problem solving
Take the lead in a project, presentation, group or activity
Make decisions that are positive for all, therefore being a role-model
Mentoring, supporting, teaching or guiding peers
Cultural development
Understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped our heritage and that of others
Recognise, and value, the things we share in common across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities
In Y7 students will complete a carousel of public speaking, classical civilisations and be part of an environmental community project developing habitats across the school site. The aim of this year is to ease transition into secondary school and make sure that every student feels that they belong to our community.
In Y8 students will complete a carousel of enterprise, Latin and philanthropy. In philanthropy students will either develop our school food and clothing banks for one term. The aim of this year is to develop students' independence, building on knowledge and skills from Y7 and preparing students to be capable of being part of our wider community.
In Y9 students will choose an award to complete. Students will have three options to choose from. Y9 will give students an opportunity to demonstrate independence and a sense of achievement.
Duke of Edinburgh - The DofE was designed to challenge young people between the ages of 14-24 to attain standards of achievement and endeavour in a wide variety of active interests – to serve their communities, experience adventure and to develop and learn outside the classroom. Students will all undertake delivered sessions on the 4 skill areas that support the development of social, interpersonal and problem-solving skills.
Higher Project Qualification - This is a Level 2 qualification, which is equivalent to a GCSE; students would gain an A*-C grade upon completion. The Higher Project qualification requires students to study a topic area which extends or expands their learning in an appropriate area of study.
Archbishop Leadership Award - This award equips children and young people in character education, builds their leadership skills and faith development, and empowers them to undertake a variety of transformational social action projects in their local communities.
In order to support students within our curriculum in each year Forest School will be offered to help develop students social and communication skills. Students will be invited to these sessions.