Intent Statement
Innovate and Ignite.
Students are encouraged to be innovate, ambitious creators capable of thinking out side of the box to design innovative solutions to problems and ignite a passion to excel in all subjects.
Students are encouraged through the curriculum to push the standards of their work to the highest levels, and independently design solutions to problems through problem solving skills (abstraction, decomposition and sequencing).
The curriculum sets a high standard, pushing students to develop professional level skills and familiarity through the use of software and development of skills.
Students are supported to aim high and develop independence and resilience when working independently.
In this faculty, students are creators and innovators. Students regularly have the opportunity to design and create solutions to the problems assigned to them.
Students are signposted to make good choices and opportunities are facilitated to discuss the impact of choices on others through the curriculum.
Students are offered the opportunity to discuss and learn about other cultures. There are explicit points in the curriculum which link to making wise choices and to consider the impact of our actions on ourselves and others. Students are signposted to strategies which can support them should they need additional help.