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MFL - Modern Foreign Languages

Intent Statement

Competent linguistic learners with a love for languages.

The Curriculum sequences knowledge and skills, builds on prior learning and enables students to widen their understanding, knowledge and use of a variety of language competencies in different contexts.  Students are given a broad Curriculum to enable them to have a strong foundation in all 4 skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), which ensures they are able to communicate effectively and become confident learners.    


The Curriculum provides students with the opportunity to study a wide range of language, increasing their knowledge of vocabulary and set phrases whilst at the same time building their understanding of structures and how language works. Through skillful application, students learn skills transferable to a wide range of careers, which enables them to adapt their language to various contexts and situations.  The discipline in learning a language compliments other subjects, broadens their horizons and and enables them to become adaptable to new experiences.


The skills taught in languages enable learners to make connections and encourages creativity in their thoughts and processing.  They become more aware of the importance of communicating in a wider context including employment, travel and tourism.  The Key Skills learnt in MFL underpin their literacy skills in English. They are encouraged to take risks in adapting their knowledge to express themselves in a foreign language.


MFL serves as a cultural linguistic purpose in that it exposes students to foreign language and culture, enabling them to flourish as global citizens who belong in a multicultural and mutually respectful world.  Students  also develop effective communicational skills and are exposed  to a variety of  cultural values from people from different backgrounds. 


In language lessons, students are given many opportunities to discover and explore other cultures, differences and a variety of beliefs, not just the language but also the customs, festivals and traditions. This helps them become more open to other cultures, sensitive towards cultural differences and recognise that diversity is something to be championed and celebrated.   MFL encourages students to make choices and decisions to understand, manipulate and apply grammatical structures in their native  language and in the MFL. 

Key stage 3

In year 7 students will study either German or Spanish and build their linguistic foundations in the four Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).  Students will learn how language works and its importance in our world, develop an awareness of different cultures and lifestyles, focus on phonics so that the pronunciation is firmly embedded, learn the basics across a wide range of topics and develop a "love" for languages through increased confidence and challenge.


In Year 8, students will continue with their previous language and continue with the challenging basics but throughout a range of topics.  Students become more grammatically aware and are able to further develop their linguistic skills, confidence and self-esteem through reapplying key phrases in different situations, contexts and time frames.  Students will be introduced to tenses, which will become the building blocks for GCSE and fluency. 


In Year 9, students will continue with their language by digging deeper and pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve enabling them to develop a growth mindset.  Students will begin exploring GCSE content in more depth and will be exposed to more complex language, grammar and skills.  Students will be able to communicate effectively in all skills through continual skill development, challenge and rigour.

Key stage 4

At KS4, students are strong, confident linguists who are able to communicate effectively, unpick and manipulate previously learnt language and apply grammar following the rules across a variety of situations. Students follow the AQA Course over the two years, which covers three Themes of: People & Lifestyle (Identity & Relationships, Healthy Lifestyle, Education & Work); Popular Culture (Free Time, Customs & Festivals, Celebrity Culture) and Communication & the World Around Us (Tourism, Media & Technology, Environment & Local Area).

St Andrews -18 (1)
St Andrews -20 (1)
St Andrews -12 (2)
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