Intent Statement
Scientifically literate global citizens.
Ensuring every student is empowered to move forward as a scientifically literate global citizen; able to decode, engage with, and influence, the rapidly evolving world around them.
Emphasis placed on how the science students encounter in the classroom links to the wider world, and future employment pathways. Students are supported to develop a secure foundation that they can access as lifelong learners. As the world around them will constantly change, they need the key that scientific literacy provides to unlock their own potential.
Students are provided with opportunities to explore their world through the lens of science and apply their understanding in new and creative ways to unfamiliar situations. They are encouraged to be problem-solvers and use their numeracy and literacy skills to both decode the world, but also share their findings.
Studying a range of topics across all three sciences, students are encouraged to develop their own opinions from the underpinning scientific theory. Students are coached and supported to apply the scientific method to interrogate sources around them while critiquing the reliability and validity of the data.
Students are encouraged to be flexible and resilient thinkers who are 'standing on the shoulders of giants' (Newton, 1676). They consider how
scientific theory has developed over time, and how it is constantly being challenged and adapted in the light of new evidence.
Key stage 3
At key stage three all students follow a spiral curriculum that allows them to build string foundational knowledge in year seven that is then build upon is subsequent years ensuring they have the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in their GCSE’s.
Students learn how to operate safely within a science lab and explore everything from atoms and cells, to space exploration. Students will develop practical skills raising their confidence in using the scientific method.
Key stage 4
At KS4 students’ study either AQA Combined Science Trilogy or AQA Triple Science. This allows students to build on their knowledge acquired at Ks3 and further their understanding of how the world works. Students continue to develop their practical skills and their use of the scientific method, while learning the importance of interpreting data and considering the validity of the source.