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Personal Growth & Religious Studies (PGRS)

Intent Statement

Securing lifelong potential.

In Personal Growth and Religious Studies (PGRS), students learn to respect and value others and themselves so that they may achieve their potential and lift up others as part of their personal journey. Students achieve this by engaging with world and religious view; understanding the differences between us and valuing the commonalities they share and gaining a confidence in themselves to make well informed decisions that ensure a full and loving life.

Students studying PGRS are challenged to have the highest aspirations for themselves, to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible to enable them to understand the work around them.  Assessments challenge students and require them to think deeply, drawing on academic work.  Students have high expectations of themselves, supported by a rigorous and knowledge-rich curriculum so they are inspired to continue to be involved in education, employment and training. 

Students are required to read subject-specific texts and present their informed views and opinions, demonstrating a high level of oracy and literacy.  All students are given a well-rounded religious, personal, social, economic and health education allowing them to understand and be able to assess risks, knowing how and when to seek support.  Rich student experiences are offered to allow students to gain a deeper understanding and experience of aspects of their developing knowledge.

Lessons include a variety of approaches to inclusive teaching and learning, allowing students to come with a positive attitude and really enjoy their learning.  British values and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development are naturally embedded in PGRS; high quality teaching does not shy away from challenging topics at the age appropriate times. World views, cultural diversity, identity and religion are taught to enable all students to develop awareness, respect and consideration of others regardless of their backgrounds. An understanding of healthy and stable relationships, both on and offline, are explored in depth, allowing all students to secure dignity for themselves and others.

PGRS allows a safe place to explore and understand other cultures, beliefs and identities.  All children are made in the image of God, and they are all precious whatever their belief and identities. Students are encouraged to be welcoming and caring towards all human kind, demonstrating wisdom through their understanding. They are actively encouraged to look for, create and take their place in the wider community whilst understanding their responsibilities towards others.  

St Andrews -13
St Andrews -17
St Andrews -14
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